Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

When i saw this plot i actually uncontrollably declared “bullshit” out loud, alone in an empty room.

The nursing home cruise rides again.

I know of the sentiment that the odd ones are bad. But instead of getting my bias confirmed all i see across four different search engines is people raving that this is a 10 out of 10 underrated gem. And it has a very big score on the IMDB. And our local IMDB-clone free from anglosphere influences gives it even bigger score.

The last film was giving really mixed messages. It tried to set up the heroic sacrifice, but then they had the “remember” part and lingered for far too long on the casket. You can’t have an impactful sacrifice when you are so clearly stating that the dude will come back next time.

Mini-Me austin powers

If Spock planned it then why didn’t he tell it to anyone? Like, to Kirk? They are serving for about 15 years together and not once Spock spoke of vulcan funeral rites? The Federation has many serving vulcans yet it never briefs anyone on their funeral rites? Spock was near death many times in the series but he never did or mentioned this magic crap.

So Enterprise is 20 years old, and it was repaired yesterday. Yet they want to scrap it? If it was really, really damaged i would understand. But the damage is superficial and the ship was successfully run by like five people. Yanks right now have USS Blue Ridge and no plans to scrap it this decade.

Of course the security camera uses the cinematic angles. The mister girl was recast, and now she is even more emotional. The science guy dindu nuffin. She tries to lecture him, but so far no one has died because of him. Everyone who died were killed by Khan. Or by proxy because Kirk let Khan go instead of jailing him or quietly disposing the world of known and proven space hitler. This is the fist unstable planet ever created. So why the cave was stable? Clingy-ons are constantly go between their native language and english when talk privately. Pick one. Either be brave and go full subtitles, or make them privately always speak english, because it’s like the viewer understands them speaking native. The best compromise between brave and cowardly was created by 90s russian cinematographers — when the characters speak in their native language, simultaneously there’s a stereotypical low-cost interpreter translating it into the viewer’s language. The self-destruction left a half of the ship intact to be searched by enemies. The crew has killed a child for Spock to release inside a child. You can’t claim its mind is void when it was this active the whole movie. Spock shouldn’t even remember the “friend” phrase because he said it after creating the savefile. And the ending twisting “the needs of one” around is outright degenerate.

Besides the abysmal plot, the acting is bad, and it’s a moderately boring movie. I even fell asleep in the middle of it and that’s a rare occurrence.

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