Star Trek: The Next Generation (Blu-ray, replaced)

Season 1 I think this is the remastered or something. This isn’t 4k, but i don’t believe the original had such HQ CGI models. This doesn’t look as out of place as the remaster of the first show. And they didn’t needlessly replace every cool practical effect with bad CGI. So i wasn’t bothered by […]

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

This is not a good movie. But at least it is not terrible. It’s a murder mystery political conspiracy and it is solid for a big chunk of the runtime. Yet in many places it’s entirely driven by the script instead of logic. And the ending is really weak — during those scenes it accumulates […]

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

This movie is so bad i had to take several breaks from it. The story is retarded starting with the premise, the plot is degenerate and doesn’t serve this story, the film jumps around skipping important parts, the writing is atrocious idiocy. It starts with some guy in a bad toupee climbing a rock, then […]

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

This time they decided to make a sub-par time-travel comedy. Which means they can significantly cut budget and film a prank video on the streets instead of a sci-fi movie. And this story can’t really stand on its own, it more or less requires a viewing of the third film and that can’t be watched […]

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

When i saw this plot i actually uncontrollably declared “bullshit” out loud, alone in an empty room. The nursing home cruise rides again. I know of the sentiment that the odd ones are bad. But instead of getting my bias confirmed all i see across four different search engines is people raving that this is […]

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan [113 min]

It’s not absolutely terrible but it really tries to be. The plot is as moronic as in Star Trek. Everyone acts out of character. The first film has many holes, but it is a hippy sci-fi so that allows for a more lenient suspension of disbelief. But this cowmanure treats itself super cereal and pretends […]

Star Trek: The Motion Picture [132 min]

The space butthole. The thing’s hollow—it goes on forever—and—oh my God!—it’s full of stars! More than 10 years after the original salvaged-leftovers-driven show was cancelled they somehow got a giant budget to deliver a real movie. Kirk is instantly antagonizing the captain who is also an insubordinate jerk like Kirk. And they brought back Bones […]

Star Trek (1973)

There was a time in animation history when most of usa cartoons were made as cheap as possible and contained as few frames of animation as weeaboo garbage does during its entire existence. But enough about 2010s. This is a low-budget cartoon from the era before usa cartoons started to have advertisement budgets, because they […]

Star Trek

Back in my childhood, i saw Star Trek: The Next Generation on the TV and though it was a very cool show. I saw parodies of Spock and other unfamiliar characters looking like Star Trek, but i wasn’t really seeing the connection. After a time i just accepted that there probably is another Star Trek. […]

Star Trek Beyond

Official russian translation So, it’s basically more of the same. It has one great scene, but unlike X-Men: Apocalypse it doesn’t run its full course to a resolution. It just ends abruptly and in a very jarring way cut into the bad leitmotif, which is in an entirely different genre. It’s like since the first […]

Star Trek (2009)

The best thing it does is not being an outright re-boot. It has unsubtitled already existing name, but diegetically they’ve rebooted the timeline of that universe. It’s a pretty mediocre and by the numbers modern sterile sci fi action film. They try to play with cinematography and music, but they don’t know how to enter […]