悪魔城ドラキュラX 月下の夜想曲 [Akumajō Dracula X gekka no yasōkyoku]

So i got stuck in a “hospital”, which was just a VDNH pavilion converted to a medical facility, because delivery guys delivered corona to me despite me not leaving home for two years and always wearing a mask. I’m actively playing Yuán shén so i preloaded the mobile version, being ready to spend a month […]

風のクロノア door to phantomile (Kaze no Kuronoa)

English text A 2.5D platformer from before the 2.5D became a descriptive term. It’s a side-scrolling platformer with 3D environments and sprite-based characters. Despite the turns the maps take, they all are purely linear and use additional axis only at scripted points. Thankfully, the dissonance between three-dimensional maps and 2D sprites occurs rarely. It’s a […]

Crash Bandicoot

“Флагманский” платформер для PlayStation с простеньким сюжетом, интересной вселенной и механикой копирующей Таза. В своё время игра выглядела сильно проще, чем последующие части от Naughty Dog, в основном из-за унылых противников, поэтому на самой PlayStation в первую часть я играл меньше всего. Первый раз пройти на компьютере я попытался где-то во времена ePSXe 1.7.0 и […]


Pirated russian translation. ePSXe Yay. I’ve finished MediEvil once again. I love this thing, but iffy Playstation-era controls and iffy Playstation-era camera are irritating. Especially on the ship, swamp and with that chandelier jump. I wish it was a proper PC game and had quicksaves (or had proper camera and controls to begin with). It […]