Barbie & Stacie to the Rescue

It’s not “Barbie & Stacie to the Rescue”, it’s Stacie to the Rescue of Barbie.

This is a 3D CGI cartoon and it’s the new entry in the hammerhead-face-Barbie continuity. Last one was a Skipper’s movie, and this one focuses on the third daughter. The one who is twelve, and since yanks think in base 12, they consider her to be in single digits and not to be a teenager. And since yanks make pagan rituals over people’s ages, it means that the girl is not invited to play with younger or older people, who are all have barely a couple years big gap with her. And that’s the focus of the film, she wants to hang out with people only of her own age number. Maybe she is experiencing segregation at home with the ageist school system, where people in classes a year older/younger are “the other”, but in the boonies ages do not exist. We all were hanging out together, people in early 20s, teens, early teens, younger kids and very young +1s relatives of the people already in the group. And it’s not like there was a “group”, anyone could come and go, who was not afraid or shy of the activities. (Which were mostly keeping the hearth alive and listening to people who can play guitar.)

The art-style goes for daddy long legs proportions. While it looks ok on the older characters, this film is about Stacie and on her body it is obviously out of proportion. There are a lot of songs with auto-tune in this one. It is a slapstick comedy, but this entry is toothless. Unlike the last one no child was bathed in human shit, there was no talking to dolphins, and there were no babies hijacking a plane.

It’s weird how after being a model adult full of endless possibilities for 50 years, Barbie is demoted back to be a lame not-adult late teenager freeloader in her mum’s house, and a mere episodic sidekick to her sisters’ fun adventures, including the youngest one.

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