good night, and good luck.

This film occupies the “definitive movie on the topic” spot but it does a lousy job. The topic is important, both as the real story, and as what the fourth estate should do, instead of buzzfeedication fetish.

But this is not a good film. It’s a boomer memeberry greyscale physical film production to memember goo’ ol’ days where they do not like commies these days on their lawns! Then these people who lie about having eyes show archival footage in stretched aspect ratio. Including a scene where people watch stretched footage on a widescreen CRT in 1950s on a street.

The storytelling is confused and confusing. This film is just photographs of people mumbling, archival footage you can watch yourself, and recreations of archival footage you can watch yourself. If you can watch the important part yourself directly from the horse’s mouth, why waste your time on this? What does it add to the conversation, besides incompetent and conservocuck uncinematography?

All the President’s Men tackles a similar topic, and it is way more dynamic and cinematic. It has characters and knows what it tries to tell and tells it through cinematography.

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