Hawkeye (2021)

No, your other hawkeye Now that MCU is this years old, it shows its superiority over the comics. Earth-616 is constantly adding these new characters to pass the mantle, but just like putin the old guys refuse to go away and still hang around. Even if they disappear for a bit, they will always return. […]

Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Vol. 3

A four-issue-long run of a comic tie-in into the Earth-8096. It tries to replicate the cartoon‘s art-style but it’s not always exact. Anyway, the art is mostly fine here. This is a collection of short stories in four short issues and it mostly tackles the early stages of the team when they just learn to […]

The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes

When i finished with the Avengers Assemble and was doing the prepwork i saw the existance of the previous Avengers show. The art looks very unconventional — brick-faced males, combinations of sharp black shadows with proper half-tone shadows and many pointy designs. I lurked on YouTube and saw a bit edgelord intro with the bad […]

Old Man Logan

Wolverine Vol. 3 ##66-72 Wolverine Giant-Size: Old Man Logan A short story ark set in an alternative post-apocalyptic universe. The grimy art looks okay, but it’s uneven. There’s a number of slightly derpy faces and the characters are unrecognizable in some panels. Still, at least it all is done in the same style, unlike the […]

Avengers Assemble (2013)

I watched the first episode in 2016, when i was trying to find something cool, and i didn’t care for it. But when me and me dawg needed something shorter than feature-length to fill time before a bus or cinematheatre we ended up with this series. Though for one reason or another it really slowed […]

Avengers: Endgame

All marvel movies did try to be movies first, and to have some resemblance of the believable plot. No matter if they did adapt a torture-porn mess into a film or if they created a Flash Gordon-like B-shlock memeberry for boomers. Even Infinity War has changed Thanos‘ boner for delusions of a final solution. But […]

Captain America: Civil War

Official russian translation “No, Tony. You are the villains.” And then, Tony was a Villain. Captain America: Civil War is basically a Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, with bigger amount of more established characters and barely passable proxy, instead of new take on old villain. And the best part of the movie is ✕bones, […]

The Avengers

В фильме нет ничего оригинального, а сюжет абсолютно предсказуем, вплоть до мелочей. Однако картина снята очень органично, а актёры отлично играют свои роли. На роль Халка в очередной раз позвали нового актёра, конечно Марк Руффало отлично сыграл свою роль, но всё-таки постоянная смена лиц напрягает. Несмотря на обилие сцен с участием Black Widow и Hawkeye, […]