Wish Dragon

blade runner purpleIt is a rip-off of the disney’s rip-off of the Aladin. Instead of a big magical figure the jinn is a clown.

This is one of the most generic films ever made and it’s cringe AF. The protagonist is one of those mental stalkers who devote their entire life to an encounter, and expect the other participating party to be as hung up on that as they are.

He never moved a metre, if she wanted to see him she could’ve visited any day. Not only she could do it since she were a late teenager, at this point she is already a full adult for a whole year. I’m still living home, if my half sister ever wanted to contact me in the last 30 years, she knew where to find me. The second i’ve got internet i’ve contacted most of my classmates i haven’t seen for ten years i wanted to. It’s called social network. And, well, i always kept in touch with the closest classmates no matter where i moved. Land-lines exist, and i can walk to theirs by foot or on public transport. Which i did.

She literally doesn’t give a crap, and she says that in plain text. This is no accident this is her choice, she made her life the way it is, now sleep in it. And he is a mentally deranged stalker.

The movie was just boring, until the moment the bandit got midas touch. Now it is plain bad. Midas touch is known exactly for it being bad. It’s literally wishing for something obviously bad, but not because you want to do something bad, but because you think kicking your own balls will result in something good. Even if he’s so dumb he doesn’t know the original tale, how about the 1st year of economics? Every kid knows about inflation (not of the sanik kind) at 7 years of age. If he is so dumb that he missed economics, how about history, and that time spanish empire ruined the entire economy by stealing too much of precious metals from the new world? This was literally the wish to be kicked in the nads. And the film handles it terribly. Why his clothes are immune? Why his forearms are immune? Why half the things he touched are immune? Why until they are suddenly not? He both grabbed the dragon with that hand and touched himeslf, but then when the script said so the dragon and his self became golden.

When the dragon went for the second cycle, why the kid didn’t instantly give him -1 by doing three simple wishes? Why he didn’t arrange for nine very little kids to wish for candy? Alcoholics to wish for a river of vodka, a sea of vodka, and for another 0,5l bottle on top of that? No he intentionally left the dude hanging, and possibly be found by another hitler. That’s not even talking about the easy wishes of granting him freedom, of world peace, or at least of a current peace, of a global happiness buff and the likes. The dragon did return a stiff to life on screen, so why not?

Счастья всем даром, и пусть никто не уйдёт обиженным!

Everything past that midas scene is visually repulsive poorly written artificial and infuriating. This is no Shazam the chick actually decided to hang out with the mentally deranged stalker after giving a speech. Everyone in this film is an idiot and a bad person, which is the worst combination. Not entertaining, and repulsive at the same time.

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