狄仁杰之飞头罗刹 [Di Renjie zhi fei tou Rakkhasa]

English subs from youku.

At first i thought that this is a sequel to Di Renjie zhi youming dao. Both Di and Wu are played bu the same actors.
Then i though it is not, since the distributor is different. But then i saw that it’s from the same director, and Ruoxi Li return as Yan’er. So, yes, it is in the same universe.

I’ve watched this release. It seems it can hit a content match on some songs for some reason, because the original release is muted at least in the beginning.

The first film is a mystical mystery with some magic, but this one outright starts with magical magic and the explanation is even more magic. The sub-genre of the detective fiction about debunking magic tricks to solve a crime is not as effective when,
— you see the CGI thing, so you have no parity of information with the diegesis;
— the diegesis has magic gadgets;
— real magic exists inside the diegesis and you can’t tell from your real-life PoV what is common everyday mundane magic, and what seems like actual magic to the people of that world.
This film goes for all three.

You think those are real demons? Ha-ha, how naive, there are no demons. That’s just dead human-animal zombie hybrids controlled by acoustic waves. No that’s not a gate to hell, there are no such things, lol, that’s just an invisible chameleon-human mutant crashing people with one punch at the super-speed.
Some scenes are filmed a bit awkward, to conceal the budget. They are showing blurry close-ups and people just scream, sometimes even about what is supposedly happening. But you don’t see any of that. They ADRed more slurps to the scenes where Di is slurping food. Ugh.

There are a lot of xianxia fights, and it’s an alright actiony film. But as a detective mystery film, it’s some candles, a mirror, and two squirrels.

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