Barbie: Skipper and the Big Babysitting Adventure

Buy low, sell high.

It does take place in the Barbie universe, but Klaus barely makes an appearance here. Because this is Schipper’s film. It’s a new entry into the current continuity, but it seems no one is organizing any info on the barbieverses.

With it being about a kid and about babysitting i was wary that it’ll be for very little kids. But no it has some jokes even in the beginning. And seeing a yankee movie with a daddy and no daddy issues is so refreshing.

And then it starts to really go off the rails. In a movie about child labour, the kids are shovelling an entire pool of human shit. Now that’s what i call putting poo into pool. And of course the writers bath the children in it several times.

Then the five-dimensional bus kidnaps a bunch of kids. I swear it never happened to me before, it’s bigger on the inside. And the kids get lost in a sandstorm, then fly an experimental robot clown aeroplane. The new girl is vomiting in every possible way. And Skipper starts to talk to dolphins. Yeah, this is one of the movies ever.
barbie skipper talks to dolphins
The animation is of somewhat lower budget. They cut all costs on simulations, so the liquids and adhesiveness look terrible. The 3D models look a bit uncanny, especially their jaws. There are several tangential cheaper 2D scenes. And the movie uses awkward solutions for their own design choices. In real 3D rendering it’s harder to deal with the things usa is always being an absolute creep about.

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