Godzilla vs. Kong

Yeah, just like the last time the movie is more interested in pointless humies than in the monsters. There are like 1,5 fights and you don’t see much either.

The cinematography is kinda dull. Action scenes are a mix of stupid close-ups and pretentious angles, which do not work. You can’t get the scale of the giant monsters fight, when all you do is closeups. It just looks like two hobos fighting for a can of overdue tuna. Wide shots of two actual guys in suits fighting give a feel for the surroundings. You see their implied scale because they can’t be contained in close-ups, and you see the battlefield. And even with the fights there are, the movie cuts from them to show you whole scenes of crying kids. I would rather watch the fight of the titular characters than crying luggage with dramatic music. Practical effects destruction looks like nothing else, those scenes were the best part of every gojira movie. And this film looks like a dull computer game.

  The story and the plot are terrible. We follow three stupid kids in two teams. A sad kid and its monster trope and a team of alex jones gay frogs scrappy doos. And in the end, the second cringe-team did nothing. You could should just cut them out entirely and only make the whole thing better.
  So, Monarch was straight imprisoning Kong in secret during the 2014 and 2019 movies. And the film has killed every single giant monster off-screen during the opening titles. Skull Island was somehow camouflaging Kong from Godzilla since prehistoric times. But once the humies started to transport him Godzilla instantly attacked following his magic sense. And then the humies have killed the engines to play dad. What that would achieve? It’s established that Godzilla follows his magic sense, not his fish ears. Would be better if they did shut down Kong with the foreshadowed trank coma.
  Gojira somehow had made a Kong-wide hole to the centre of the earth. Is his mouth Kong-wide? Why he didn’t burn Kong while Kong was climbing in the tunnel?
  Defibrilairon works if you know the electrical currents and the chemistry of the heart and stuff, only professional medics do the science, it’s not just random electroshock somewhere in the vicinity. And he still has a pulse.

Yeah. It’s just okay. It’s basically the same as the 1998 or the 2019 movie.

Guess what i don’t want to ever see in a movie called Godzilla? People.

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