Gesaffelstein — GAMMA

Gestalt falafel was kinda a little popular for a bit, because some songs from א were really good. They shared a signature sound that was standing out from the crowd.

  1. Digital Slaves
  2. Hard Dreams (with Yan Wagner)
  3. Your Share of the Night
  4. Hysteria
  5. The Urge
  6. Mania
  7. Lost Love
  8. The Perfect
  9. Psycho
  10. Tyranny
  11. Emet

This third Gezafelshtine album was five years in the making. And it’s… An album. Maybe our ancient ancestors could consider this “techno”. But we live in the world where riddim and extratone are both old genres for old people. On this album Totaffe Stone has post-punkish songs, elvis-sounding tracks, and a lot of general electric.

It’s not bad, but it is very unmemorable. Even if general electric as a genre is not as prevalent as it was, it’s still having a lot of entries per year, both from the original artists and from the younger performers.

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