South Park (Not Suitable for Children)

The new episode tackles the topic of the so-called influencers as the main dish, with some full nudity for the B-plot. The show was never afraid of displaying any kinds of nudity, especially hiding behind their crude art-style, but in the dedicated “adults only” episode they only have male nudity, which is always treated as […]

South Park: Joining the Panderverse

There are a couple of jokes and overall it’s a pretty cool barely-feature-length film. The secondary plot is way funnier, the main one is alright. But i suspect SP now has The Simpsons Marvel‘s timeline stretch. The adults were boomers when SP came out and now they morphed at least into Xers or even millennials. […]

South Park The Streaming Wars

While the seasons are getting shorter they are making more and more of these streaming exclusives for the streaming wars. It’s a warm satire combining several aspects of modern life through metaphors and allegories. Also it seems there’s some amount of people who strongly dislike the farming change and to this day pretend that the […]

South Park

Season 25 So they decided to skip the 24th season just to hit the “pretty” number of 25th anniversary. Now only the two movies are listed as the season 24. And this is a super short season of only six episodes. Pajama Day is a rather funny episode with characters speaking deutsch. But the ending […]

South Park

South ParQ Vaccination Special Now that’s what i call the absence of suspension of disbelief. No real kid in the right mind would ever want to go to school. All kids across all my schools and classes wanted nothing more but to leave and do something productive with their lives. And kids who had enough […]

South Park: The Pandemic Special

This feature-length special episode is quite fun in places, a couple of times i actually laughed a lot. And the overall story and how it ties back to the previous season are quite nice. But kids wanting to go back to school seems utterly unrealistic to me, it’s like saying that adults want to go […]

South Park

Season 23 Following the previous season this one has several loose arks and some stand-alone episodes. Band in China is rather good, other episodes are often has something witty to say, but none are outright hilarious or unconditionally great. Most episodes seem a little bit under-delivered and more on the serious side, despite the same […]

South Park

Season 22. Trump made South Park great again! I’ve already said my farewells to a show which grew with me, starting as crass and gory comedy for kids and metamorphing into a satirical butterfly. First, they had a very weak ending for season 18 which they did hype beforehand. Then, they’ve started serialization and didn’t […]

South Park

Season 21 It starts with a very solid episode giving you hope, but then it manages to go worse than season 20. Can you imagine that. What a poor prediction. Hillary is not the president. You can’t make the reality, you are just a clown, your work is to satirize existing reality. Is this the […]

South Park

Season 20 So, the season 19 wasn’t a suicide note, more like an overly long setup, and the new season starts with an actually funny episode. The Skank Hunt is not funny, but it’s very smartly written. These two episodes are the strongest ones in a long time. And it goes downhill from here. Next, […]

South Park

Season 19 The season opens with an episode that looked very pandering for a certain crowd and they were forcing it as hard as they could. But then the second episode went harder, better, faster and suddenly everyone who was forcing the first episode pretended the second one doesn’t exist. The third episode isn’t funny. […]

South Park

Season 10 The first episode is so totally terrific. The second one is gross but funny. Third and fourth are really great and say important things. Fifth is just a parody. Episode six makes fun of ecoterrorists and their disingenuous messaging. Episode seven is focused on training Cartman and it’s funny. Eighth makes fun of […]