Mortal Kombat (Mortal Kombat Kollection \ Steam)

The game is delisted, because microsoft deliberately sabotaged it. It requires GFWL for absolutely no reason, and the default installation comes broken. You have to manually remove the included GFWL, and instal an older version from some shady sites, because microsoft noticed that you can download the legacy version of GFWL from the official site […]

Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind

The first film was just another remake of the first story. The second is the final battle with Shao Kahn. And this new film is entirely fresh material. That is kinda intriguing but set in a post-apocalypse, with majority of the cast being from recent games and unknown to most people and without a tournament […]

Mortal Kombat (2021)

What happens when an incompetent force meets an unruinable object? Brought to you by a first-time director, a first-time writer and a first-time editor: the first story of MK, again. It has some characters from later games, including from the time between MK3U and MK9 when no one gave a crap about the IP. But […]

Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge

An animated movie, which retells the very first story yet again. It has a different ending and uses expanded lore from the sequels, but still. And it’s called “Scorpion’s Revenge”, but it’s an ensemble film, following all the usual protagonists — Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Liu Kang. WB continues to use their chinese sweatshops to […]

Mortal Kombat (1995)

Местами это одна из лучших экранизаций, другими местами непонятно откуда они вообще это выдумали. Почти все персонажи мгновенно узнаваемы и общая структура сохранена. Надо было сразу, не парясь, использовать половину озвучки из игры, хотя бы по разу все приёмы и спец-движения и не добавлять особой отсебятины.