Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers [Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection / Steam]

This re-release of  Street Fighter II adds a new cool attract screen and four new characters. Сammy is an obvious horny bait. Yeah, special forces with swimsuits as uniforms. She has an easy to execute long-range horizontal attack. T. Hawk has very bad special attacks. The inputs almost never work. Not even once i saw […]

ウィザードリィ 囚われし魂の迷宮 [Wizardry: Torawareshi Tamashi no Meikyu] / Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls (Steam)

There isn’t much information about this game, at least not in english, at least not found by the search engines. Only enough for you to finish it and work around its bad mechanics and unfixed bugs. It’s not like they had fifteen years to patch a game any indie university student can create by themselves […]

Wish Dragon

It is a rip-off of the disney’s rip-off of the Aladin. Instead of a big magical figure the jinn is a clown. This is one of the most generic films ever made and it’s cringe AF. The protagonist is one of those mental stalkers who devote their entire life to an encounter, and expect the […]


No it’s not short for “domination”. It is a simpler city builder game, and while the ads want make you to believe it’s themed around the european fairy tales — it’s not. There are 3,5 cameos, 3,5 instances of generic fantasy things, the rest 97 is just a generic cartoony medieval city sim. The mechanics […]

Vaporum: Steampunk Dungeon Crawler

Version #399#14 I take so much offence over this scam marketing false advertising. Besides the subtitle, here’s what the store page says: Vaporum is a grid-based dungeon crawler RPG in an original steampunk setting. When you start slapping popular words on everything hoping to get a couple more sales they lose all meaning or worth. […]

Age of Empires II: HD Edition

After finishing many better RTS games i’ve decided to go back and conquer the campaigns i was never able to finish, in the game i played a lot in my childhood. After all, it’s a new HD release and i’m old and experienced. Well, then i got pissed because the unit AI is one of […]

Enola Holmes 2

The crappy slash fan-fiction praising terrorism received a crappy slash fan-fiction praising terrorism. Because this is not based on the book series, this is a newly written fan-fiction story. Granola Gnomes The movie couldn’t spend even ten minutes without talking about A movie about strong independent woman only shows her being helpless clueless powerless scared […]

Beyond Good & Evil (2003)

0 Philosophies of the Future out of 10 So this one is considered to be a cult classic. Well, all i see is Ubisoft the Game: Origins. You can feel both asscreed and PoP4 in it. And also it’s part of that wave, when after mascot-driven 3D platformers (Crash, Spyro, Klonoa and all the followers), […]