Immortal — War Against All

Immortal is probably the most famous black metal band. Their dorky music videos and their photos where they are making goofy faces have spread deep into normiesphere. I have no idea if they are even aware that anything they do besides the music is just silly and funny, or if they think they are cool. immortal 1991

  1. War Against All
  2. Thunders of Darkness
  3. Wargod
  4. No Sun
  5. Return to Cold
  6. Nordlandihr
  7. Immortal
  8. Blashyrkh My Throne

So, as a black metal album it all sounds good. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s very good chill music for background listening. And as a black metal album it is absolutely interchangeable.

And here’s the catch. Only one original member has worked on this album, and he has the sole credit for everything. Yet it sounds absolutely the same as all the old albums and as any album from other bands in the genre.
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