Super Street Fighter II The New Challengers [Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection / Steam]

This re-release of  Street Fighter II adds a new cool attract screen and four new characters.

Сammy is an obvious horny bait. Yeah, special forces with swimsuits as uniforms. She has an easy to execute long-range horizontal attack.

T. Hawk has very bad special attacks. The inputs almost never work. Not even once i saw the aerial, despite it being a simple triple press input.

Fei Long is literally an unlicensed image of Bruce Lee. And he sucks. The inputs sheet says quarter-circle+punch+punch+punch, but it doesn’t work. It triggers with only one punch, and it results in a very weak jab. Why not just use a punch instead.

Dee Jay is just a random guy. He has a weak ranged attack.

I don’t give a crap about PvP because i’m not a jobless teenager, i’m not sad about the size of my weewee, and i don’t give a crap how this game plays with friends, if the “friends” are not included. And well, anything is fun with friends even playing with dolls and building mud castles sitting in a pile of mud. How is this game on its own?

Unlike the original release, the game doesn’t follow up the tournament with the boss-fights. Boss-fights start in the beginning of the tournament. On the lowest difficulty, the fourth opponent already turns on all the cheats. Every single one of them.

So strong, my face is
You punch, break fingers
Kick me, you’re limping
Stab me, you’re bleeding
I am be dangerous now

You press a punch button and your health goes down. You can barely touch the AI. The enemy ignores the attacks, its punches go through your attack hitbox and hit you in the face for half HP. At best you get simultaneous hits. The AI is spamming magics because it doesn’t have a shitty gaypad, nor elderly fingers. It doesn’t even input commands for charged attacks. It just directly translates its will, and controls both the game, and itself, and the judge. You execute a special move — AI gets hit once and goes invincible until the animation ends. If AI does the same move, you get hit ten times in a row.

The AI is cheating and is literally playing by your inputs, not your animations. Your any move is met with a perfect block. If you hesitate even for a second, the AI just hides in the corner and starts spamming ranged attacks. If you jump over the ranged attack, it hits you with the heaviest anti air move. For the main two guys both are their strongest attacks.

I though button mashing is a joke about little kids. But no in this crap it is the only way to even glimpse something like a fair fight against the guys in the tournament. Mashing all the buttons confuses the AI so you accidentally land some hits. Enough save/loads and you can win a fight after an hour. But then the four boss-fights start. And you can’t even mash the buttons they just cheat on top of cheats on top of cheats. The only way is to land one hit once in ten minutes and save. With enough tries you kill the bosses with scratches and see the bad ending cutscene. I beat it with Cammy, and i will not repeat this nonsense. I’ll watch the rest on YouTube.

This is a six-face game, and all you have is a modern four-face gamepad. No matter how you bind it it will be bad. If you try to bind the keyboard, half the buttons are ignored and are unusable. Select and start bindings are swapped and you cannot change them.

But why do you even need six buttons? Why it has three kicks and three punches? Two of each is enough. Especially since there is no block button, but there are several block stances.

[Up] for jump sucks A. F. on gamepads. I’ve never played with a fight-stick which have a bigger range of motion, but on DualSense and Xbox Pulse Red both the D-pads and the knobs make jumping in diagonals terrible. The software side is not analogue, and the knob is not discrete, it’s all just guesswork and you guessed wrong. The movement system feels sticky icky.

I dunno about a fightstick, but on a gamepad these terrible directional inputs necessary for every magick are a pure cancer. They are basically uninputable with a D-pad, and with the tractor sticks the game can read any direction it wants. That’s without counting the increased travel time and the leverage. The timings are extremely tight, so you can execute an anti-Z move, like, one time out of twenty tries, that is if you will be given time and will have no distractions. In a fighting game.

The characters are damn boring. A half of them are just off-brand real people. The other half is just racist stereotypes. The animations barely have any frames, and the hitboxes are terrible. They just don’t match the sprites at all, so the punches either don’t connect, or enemies go through and inside each other, where the hitboxes don’t connect. The game doesn’t feel impactful or fluid at all. The fights are just crappy.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection is a yet another bad half-arsed Digital Eclipse emulator envelope with half-arsed «“fun” “facts”» copied from Wikipedia no one cares about. Just as always the emulator of old 4//3 games runs baked into a terrible window-boxing envelope. Window-boxing carl. You have a 4//3 screen to play old games, and it runs windowboxed and letterboxed. Oh the humanity. There are no video options, all you get is digital garbage noise instagram filtres.

The input delay between hardware and the software is small, but then there’s another small input delay between the emulator and the game itself, whoever’s fault that is. But there’s an insane extreme input delay between the hadware and the menus. They all have pointless stupid redundant pop-ups, each with terrible time-wasting bad animations. And each step of the process is extremely unresponsive you have to smash the button 3-5 times before it registers. There’s only one save slot with no hotkeys. There’re no rewinds in the single-player. And this is an arcade bullshit game. It is designed to be impossible to beat, so you gonna scream at that deficient moronic absolutely unresponsive menu for hours. On top of that each and all of them reset continuous inputs, so once again you have to smash every button 3 times for it to register, but it’s already too late, re-load, you are dead.


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